Short Weather Cypher Decrypting Procedure
M3-UKW = B
M3-UKW = C
Decrypting a Kriegsmarine 3-rotor Short Weather Cypher Message
Note: The Kriegsmarine 3-rotor and temporarily modified 4-rotor Enigma machines were used by U-boats and converted fishing trawlers to relay
weather information from the north and west, the directions from which Germany's weather came, to B.d.U. (U-boat Headquarters). These "floating weather observers" were critical to both German strategic (long-range) and tactical (short-range) battle planning.
To view this entire procedure, please click on "The Short Weather Cypher Decrypting Procedure" bullet below.
1. Print-out a paper copy of all of these documents by clicking on the links:
Short Weather Cypher Tables (A, C, DDD, E, G, K, L, M, PPP, R, T, V, W, and Z)
Table BB - Sea Area Grid Map (This is a large file. It will take a minute to load.)
Note: We will select sample values from the tables to use for our example U-boat in this procedure. To send your own Enigma-encrypted
Short Weather Cypher message to a friend, you may, of course, choose any table settings or values you wish.